2014 , Vol 22 , Num 3
Comorbidity of Dominant Drusen and Pellucid Marginal Degeneration
1M.D. Asistant Professor, Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine,2M.D. Asociate Professor, Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalomolgy, Denizli/TURKEY
3M.D. Asistant, Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalomolgy, Denizli/TURKEY
4M.D., Denizli State Hospital, Eye Clinic, Denizli/TURKEY Dominant (familial) drusen (DD) also known as Malattia leventinese (ML) is a rare inherited retinal dystrophy characterized by the presence of numerous drusen in the posterior pole. Pellucid marginal degeneration (PMD) is another rare ectatic corneal disorder which typically affects the inferior peripheral cornea. We report a case of comorbidity of DD and PMD in a 53-year -old male who had complaints about low visual acuity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case revealing the association of DD and PMD. Keywords : Dominant drusen, Pellucid marginal degeneration, retinal dystrophy