2015 , Vol 23 , Num 0
New Approaches in Diabetic Maculopathy
1M.D. Professor, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Ankara/TURKEY2M.D., Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Ankara/ TURKEY Diabetic maculopathy is one of the most significant causes in visual deterioration in diabetic patients. Diabetic maculopathy can be seen in every stage of diabetic retinopathy and causes center of macula involved diabetic macular edema in a rate of 40%. There are many types of diabetic macular edema including focal-diffuse edema, central involved or not-involved edema, cystoid edema, tractional edema, foveal detachment, ischemic maculopathy. Macular edema and macular ischemia was defined as two types of maculopathy by traditional methods based on fundus examination and fundus fluorescein angiography In recent years, detailed description and classifications of diabetic maculopathy has been made and especially tractional maculopathy notion has emerged with the widespread use of optic coherence tomography. A clear definition of diabetic maculopathy is necessary for diagnosis, decision of proper treatment and prediction of prognosis. Keywords : Diabetic maculopathy, ischemic maculopathy, tractional maculopathy, OCT