2001 , Vol 9 , Num 1
Gazi Üniversitesi Göz Hastalıkları ABD
Purpose: To evaluate various surgical techniques and outcomes in eyes with lens dislocation into the vitreous. Materials and Methods: Seventeen eyes of 17 patients with a mean age of 49.6 years(range 11-77 years) were evaluated. Lens dislocation was due to ocular trauma in 14 eyes and due to insufficient, weak zonules in 3 eyes. Retinal detachment in 5 eyes, vitreous hemorrhage in 2 eyes and choroidal neovascular membrane(CNV) in 1 eye was accompanying to lens dislocation. In all eyes, liquid perfluorocarbons were used for floating the dislocated lens. In 3 eyes, lenses were extracted through cornea scleral incision, in 5 eyes pars plana phacoemulsification and in 9 eyes pars plana lensectomy was performed. Retinal attachment was provided in 5 eyes and macular translocation via scleral imbrication was applied to the eye with CNV. Intraocular lens implantation with scleral fixation was done in 4 eyes. Mean follow-up period was 5.5 months (range 4-13 months).
Results: Retinal detachment was seen in 2 eyes within the first two weeks postoperatively and retinal attachment was provided via fluid-air,air-gas (C3F8) / silicone oil exchange and laser endophotocoagulation. Hyphema was seen in 1 eye and mild submacular hemorrhage in the macular translocation which resolved spontaneously in both eyes. Best corrected final visual acuity remained same in 1 eye(6 %), decreased in 1 eye(6 %), and increased in 15(88 %) eyes.
Conclusion: In the treatment of lens dislocation into the vitreous, accompanying posterior segment complications and the age of the patient should be considered for the appropiate surgical procedure to get successful results. Keywords : Lens dislocation, pars plana vitrectomy, liquid perfluorocarbons