2Uz. Dr., Gülhane Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Göz Kliniği, Ankara - Türkiye
3Asist. Dr., Gülhane Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Göz Kliniği, Ankara - Türkiye
4Prof. Dr., Gülhane Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Göz Kliniği, Ankara - Türkiye Purpose: To investigate the feasibility of 3 different scoring systems (uveitis activation score (UAS), fl uorescein angiography scoring system (FASS), and the Behcet disease ocular attack score 24 (BOS24)) in the evaluation of Behcet and idiopathic uveitis with posterior segment involvement.
Material and Methods: This study enrolled 85 eyes with panuveitis or posterior uveitis. Forty-fi ve eyes which were associated with Behcet disease constituted Behcet group and 40 eyes which were not associated with any systemic disease constituted idiopathic group. Groups were similar (p>0.05) according to age, gender, anatomic localization, duration of disease, duration of follow-up, and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA). Three different uveitis scoring systems including UAS, FASS and BOS24 were compared between the groups. Correlations between BCVA and 3 scoring systems were also performed for each groups.
Results: Bilaterality was signifi cantly higher in Behcet group when compared with idiopathic group (91.1 % vs. 70.0 %, p = 0.01). None of the uveitis scoring systems revealed signifi cant difference between groups (p>0.05) but the difference was greatest with the BOS24 scoring system (p=0.19). BCVA and all 3 scoring systems were moderately and signifi cantly correlated in both groups (p<0.05). The highest correlation of BCVA was observed with BOS24 scoring system in both Behcet (r=-0.63, p<0.01) and idiopathic group (r=-0.63, p<0.01).
Conclusion: Uveitis grading systems are comprehensive, reproducible, and feasible ways for measurement of infl ammation in uveitis with posterior segment involvement.
Keywords : Uveitis activation score, the Behcet disease ocular attack score 24, fl uorescein angiography scoring system, Behcet uveitis, idiopathic uveitis