1994 , Vol 2 , Num 3
Ankara Üniv. Tıp Fak. Göz Hast. AD.
Behçet's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease with unknown etiology. The diagnosis is made with the major and minor symptoms. Ocular involvement has been found to be present in 23 to 96% of the patients. Retinal findings have been found in 50 to 90% of the patients with ocular disease. Behçet's disease may lead to extraocular disease like epicleritis, conjunctivitis and filamentary keratitis. Acute non-franulamatous iridocyclitis is the most frequent anterior segment finding. Retinal vessels are affected and large areas of capillary non-perfusion are produced as a result of the vasculitis leading to retinal and disc neovascularization (NV). Another cause leading to NV is branch vein occlusion developing secondarily to periphlebitis. NV lead to reccurrent vitreous hemorrhages. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy develops in advanced Behçet's disease. Posterior synechia, complicated cataract, optic atrophy, cystic macular edema, retinal atropy from arteriolar occlusions and phythisis bulbi are among the other important sequeale. With the use of immunosuppressive treatment, the rate of blindness has fallen to 10%. Systemic steroids, cytotoxic drugs and cyclosporin are used in alleviating the acute inflammatory signs. Laser photocoagulation has been employed in the treatment of retinal non-perfused areas in cases resistant to medical treatment.
Keywords :
Behçet's Disease, Clinical Findings, Fluorescein Angiography, Indocyanin Green Angiography, Laser Photocoagulation, Retinal Vasculitis