1995 , Vol 3 , Num 4
Presumed Macular Toxicity Of Intravitreal Gentamycin
Ç.Ü.T.F. Göz Hastalıkları AD.
Gentamycin, which is an effective agent on gram negative bacteria, is the most toxic antibiotic when applied subconjunctivally and intravitreally. Edema and opacification in retina, hemorrhage, macular infarction, arteriolar narrowing and shearing, retinal pigment epithelial atrophy, neovascular glaucoma and cataract are the intraocular toxic effects of gentamycin. These effects can be seen even in therapeutic doses. We present a case with perforating ocular trauma in which irreversible toxic effects developed in macula, optic nerve and lens following prophylactic injection of 0.1 mg intravitreal gentamycin. Strict precautions such as careful dilution of drug, accurate direction of tip of the needle and careful selection of the patients are necessary to prevent toxic effects of intravitreal aminoglycoside application. Keywords : Gentamycin Toxicity, Macular Infarction, Optic Atrophy, Cataract