1996 , Vol 4 , Num 3
İst. Üniv. Göz Hast. ve Kornea Transplantasyonu Araştırma Uygulama Merkezi
The development of new technologies for the management of complex retinal detachment continue to improve as a result of improved surgical techniques, understanding of the biological basis for complex retinal detachment and the additon of new technological aids. The roles of liquid perfluorochemicals, long acting gases and silicone oil are now well established. The purpose of this article is to highlight new emerging technologies that will likely contribute to the further improvement of surgical and medical treatment of complex forms of retinal detachment. These include, new cutting instrumentation, panoramic viewing systems, approaches to pharmacologic modulation of vitreoretinal scaring.* TOD XXX. Ulusal Kongresinde sunulmuştur. Keywords : new technologies, panoramic viewing, complex retinal detachments, proliferatif vitreoretinopathy